
About Me- Anil Trivedi


Hello Friends, I welcome you onboard to my website My name is Anil Trivedi and I am a firm beliver of destiny, to my mind everything in this world is destined . The very fact that you are reading my blog is also destined and have some defined  purpose. I have created this website because I have been receiving signals from almighty , he wanted me to share my professional & personal learnings . I really dont know who is  going to be benefitted from this but

I am writing it as per the wish of my  Lord Krishna . In this blog I will talk about me and how lord krishna helped me in trasforming  my life and finding the purpose of Life i.e Karma ( Professional Life ) & Moksh ( personal life), I  will talk about this in detail as me move forward in the upcoming series of blogs  under this section .

My given name is Anil born in Trivedi family. Trivedi means person who knows three vedas, I am not good at that but sure am thankful to almighty for giving me three big blessings i.e giving birth as human, born in Bhramin well to do family &  and blessed to have Healthy and active body . I sincerly pay my gratitute to universe for giving me everything and feeding me well for 46 Years.

Meaning of my name is “Vaau” ( Air). My personality is large;y influenced by the attribute of Air i.e. Touch & Sound. Demonstrated in my logo. Power of Touch, helps me in learning, relating to others, experience the goodness of life and spreading love & affection in society. Power of Sound ,helps me in building effective communication with people, express feelings , exchange ideas & information’s. The purpose of my life is to integrate the element of life and use them to do my Karma in right way , give my best and honest to my workplace ,so that I can feed my family , friends , relatives and people connected with me in the true sence.  


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